UNCENSORED NEWS FROM HENRY MORTON STANLEY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN JOURNALISM To see a video presentation of this article Click here To listen to an audio presentation of this article Click here COVID-19 According to the situation dashboard on the World Health Organisation website, as of Thursday, 19 March, there were more than 209,839 confirmed cases of Coronavirus COVID-19 in 168 countries/territories, with just over 8,778 deaths. Wild speculations about Coronavirus (COVID-19) are being spread by fear-mongers and gullible people pass the panic along through their social networks. As Christians, we need to be balanced, wise and practical. Traffic Accidents To put this into perspective, the World Health Organisation (WHO) website under Global Health Observatory (GHO)/Road Safety, reports that 1,315,000 die each year from road accidents. Tuberculosis On the who.int newsroom/fact sheets/details/tuberculosis, reports that each year, 10 million people fall ill with Tuberculosis (TB) and 1.5 million people die from TB each year. Malaria According to WHO, there were 228 million cases of Malaria last year, with over 405,000 deaths from Malaria. Alcohol Alcohol consumption contributes to 3 million deaths each year globally, as well as to disabilities and poor health of millions more. Tobacco Each year more than 8 million people die from Tobacco use. Second hand Tobacco smoke contributes to heart disease, cancer and other diseases, causing an additional 1.2 million deaths in a year. The total economic cost (from Health expenditures and productivity losses) of smoking are calculated to be over US$1.4 Trillion per year. Obesity For that matter, obesity causes over 4 million deaths each year. STDs WHO claims that there are 376 million new infections with sexually transmitted diseases each year. 37.9 million people are living with HIV (AIDS), according to WHO. Cancer According to WHO, over 9.6 million deaths are caused each year by cancer (particularly lung, prostrate, stomach, liver, breast and cervical cancer). Stampeded by Sensational Speculations So, we should try to keep a balanced perspective and avoid being stampeded into panic by sensational reports in the media, or by questionable claims and responses by politicians and bureaucrats, who use medical crises to infringe on personal freedom of movement and initiate intrusive procedures, which impact economies and societies dramatically. It is likely that far more people and business will be ruined economically by the responses to the Coronavirus, than will actually be affected by the virus directly. FEAR Some have pointed out that the word fear can be an acrostic: False Evidence Appearing Real. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Tim. 1:7 Love and Compassion It is always wise to be prudent and take reasonable measures to protect the health of ourselves and our loved ones. Particularly those who serve in healthcare, should balance prudence with compassion as they serve those who need their care. Our Lord Jesus and His followers have always given special attention to the sick, who were socially stigmatised and isolated, such as lepers. A Medical Perspective Doctor Dung Trinh, Chairman of the Board of Healthcare Christian Fellowship, USA, has produced a helpful article and video entitled: How Seniors Can Prepare for the New Coronavirus. He points out that the Coronavirus constitutes a huge community of viruses. First reported in Wuhan, China (where 5G was first rolled out), in December 2019, COVID-19 induces fever, difficulties in breathing, coughing and inflammation of the gastro-intestinal system. The CDC reports that the virus may have an incubation period of up to two weeks and signs may occur within as little as two days after one was exposed to the virus. Patients may be contagious during this silent incubation period. Clinical signs of infection of Coronavirus are very similar to those of influenza. It includes coughing, fever, shortness of breath and general feeling of being unwell. According to current data, around 80% of the infections are categorised as “mild”, which can be treated at home with fluids, rest and medication. Around 20% of infected patients require more advanced treatment, or even hospitalisation. The current rate of mortality, according to the CDC is around 3.4%. Far less serious than SARS, which had a death rate of 10%, or MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome),which killed close to 35% of the infected population. Unfortunately, those at high risk for COVID-19 are older patients with chronic medical conditions and those who are immune compromised. The majority of deaths so far, are amongst the elderly. It does not seem, at this stage, to affect children nearly as much. How the Coronavirus Spreads “The virus spreads by respiratory droplets that come through coughs or sneezes of an infected person. The most common viral portal of entry is usually our nose, mouth and eyes. This means touching your own nose, eyes, or lips, may facilitate the virus transmission, especially after an individual has touched a surface that is contaminated with the Coronavirus.” Practical Precautions Therefore. Dr. Trinh recommends the following habits and precautions to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus and lower your risk for cold, or flu in general: “Avoid contact with anyone who is sick. Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes. Stay at home if you are sick. Cover your cough and sneeze using a tissue. Throw away any used tissues in the trash. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially before eating, after just coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose and after using the restroom. When soap and water are not available, alcohol based hand sanitizers are a great option. Clean and disinfect any objects and surfaces touched with a cleaning wipe or spray. Facemasks should be worn by people who show symptoms, to prevent the spread of the disease, however, they are not recommended to people who are well. Minimise hand shaking. Use knuckles to touch public lights, like elevator buttons. Gas stations – use glove or paper towel to lift gasoline dispenser. Open doors with closed fists, or hips, especially public doors. Use disinfectant wipes with grocery carts. Wash hands with soap and water when returning home from any activity. Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer available at home entrance and in the car. “ Practise Good Hygiene at All Times These are all good hygiene habits, whether there is a pandemic panic or not. The Bible includes numerous hygiene laws and practices and while we should steadfastly refuse to be stampeded into panic by sensational speculations and professional fear-mongers, we need to be wise and prudent. Avoid Crowds The doctor also recommends cutting back on public events and outings in regional areas where known cases or Coronavirus have been reported and large crowds where there is obviously a higher risk of infection. He also recommends cleaning bathroom facilities at work, several times a day with a particular focus on door handles and tap handles. Be More Aware of Spiritual Diseases We also need to use the opportunity to draw attention to spiritual diseases, which pose serious risks to us all. Click here to listen to the message: Spiritual Diseases and the Biblical Cure, or here to access an abbreviated PDF tract form: Spiritual Diseases that can be printed for distribution. Deadly Ideologies It would also be worthwhile to point out that while the Coronavirus from China has killed several thousand people, the communist ideology killed over 69 million people in China and well over 100 more million worldwide. It is not only physical diseases, but also ideological and spiritual diseases, which we should be concerned about. Click here for the video The Greatest Killer. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh and strength to your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8
Dr. Peter Hammond Africa Christian Action PO Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.christianaction.org.za www.hmsschoolofchristianjournalism.org See also: Spiritual Diseases The Greatest Killer
1 Comment
Tom Seath
3/29/2020 01:08:50
Thank you dear brother Peter Hammond.
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