To see a livestreamed interview on this topic, Click Here To view this presentation as a PowerPoint with pictures, click here. To view this presentation as a video, click here. To watch a video of this lecture, click here. To listen to the audio of this message, click here. World Leaders Praise Tutu The announcement of the death of Anglican Bishop Desmond Mpulo Tutu on 26th December 2021, at age 90, has led to much outpouring of praise for this prominent prelate who has been described “the personification of the South African Freedom Struggle”, “An icon of the Freedom struggle”, “Hero of the Nation”, “The Nation’s pastor” and what the BBC called “The staunch and steadfast healer of a nation.” “The Face of the Liberation Struggle” Frank Chikane, described him in this way: “Tutu was the face of the liberation struggle. The voice of the people. He was a key prophetic voice.” “Public Enemy Number 1” His biographer, John Allen, wrote that to the old South Africa “Tutu really was public enemy number 1.” “Carrying the Whole Country on his Shoulders” Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela said that Tutu “was carrying the whole country on his shoulders …. He was almost like royalty, representing the journey towards freedom for everybody.” “The Nation’s Pastor” SACC leader Peter Storey described Tutu as: “The nation’s pastor.” The New South Africa is his Legacy Cyril Ramaphosa described Tutu as: “An outstanding South African who has bequeathed us a liberated South Africa.” Praise from the Pope Pope Francis lamented the death of Tutu and praised him for promoting “racial equality and reconciliation.” Historic Impact Joe Biden declared that Tutu’s legacy will “echo throughout the ages.” A “Universal Spirit” Barack Obama released a statement calling Tutu a “Universal spirit.” A Champion for Human Rights Buckingham Palace released a message of condolence in the name of Queen Elizabeth, describing Tutu as “a man who tirelessly championed human rights in South Africa and across the world.” Disturbing Facts that Undermine the Narrative However, there are others who do not share the perspective of these prominent leaders. Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu had a decades long record of supporting abortion, the homosexual agenda, ordination of women to the priesthood, theological liberalism, collectivist economic theories and Marxist class warfare. Promoting Abortion The Marie Stopes abortuary in Cape Town had a pull-up banner of Bishop Tutu promoting abortion in their waiting room. Desmond Tutu posed for this picture on behalf of Marie Stopes International, the world’s largest abortion provider. Marketing Marie Stopes Abortion Industry Although he was meant to be retired from public life in 2010, this 2011 public endorsement of the “invaluable work” of Mary Stopes International praised Marie Stopes South Africa for “empowering people” and “giving people the opportunity to make informed decisions about their future and the choice.” When asked if he had been paid for making this statement and posing for this picture, the Desmond Tutu Foundation would neither confirm nor deny, but simply stated that the Desmond Tutu Foundation does receive donations. What about the Right to Life of Pre-born Babies? John Ritchie, Director of Tradition Family and Property Student Action asked: “Why should someone who doesn’t even respect the basic right to life be honoured … ?” Rejecting the Inerrancy of Scripture Desmond Tutu insisted that there are mistakes in the Bible because people wrote it. “There are certain parts which you have to say No to.” For example that “women should not speak in church … women should not be ordained. There are many things you shouldn’t accept.” (Tutu: Voice of the Voiceless by Shirley Du Boulay, 1988). Questioning the Virgin Birth ‘’Some people thought there was something about Jesus’ birth … maybe Jesus was an illegitimate Son.” (Cape Times, 24.10.1980). Universalism In St. Albans Cathedral, in Pretoria, 23.11.1978, Desmond Tutu declared: “The Holy Spirit is not limited to the Christian Church. For example, Mahatma Gandhi, who is a Hindu … the Holy Spirit shines through him.” Revolution In a report on 20.4.1986, Tutu was quoted as saying: “Every Christian must be a revolutionary. Jesus was a revolutionary.” Praising a Marxist Dictator Tutu publicly thanked communist dictator, Samora Machel, for all that he and his Frelimo government had done for Mozambique! This seemed an amazing attitude to take towards an atheist who had declared war on the church, destroying, or confiscating and closing over 8,000 churches, imprisoning hundreds of thousands of believers, massacring at least 75,000 people, banning the Bible and expelling all missionaries. Would Rather Go To The Other Place than a Homophobic Heaven Over the last 20 years Desmond Tutu was very prominent in advocating gay rights. Tutu declared: “I would refuse to go to a homophobic Heaven. No, I would say Sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place! I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this. I am as passionate about this campaign as I ever was about apartheid. For me, it is the same level.” Promoting Same Sex Marriages, Condoms and Ordination of Women as Priests In 2011 Tutu called on the Anglican church of South Africa to accept and conduct same-sex marriages. In 2005 he criticised Pope Benedict XVI for opposing the distribution of condoms: “To fight HIV-AIDS.” He also criticised Pope Benedict for opposing the ordination of women as priests. Methodist Upbringing and Migration to Anglicanism Desmond Tutu was born 7 October 1931 in Klerksdorp to a Xhosa-speaking family. His father was the principal of a Methodist primary school. His family, who were Methodist, later changed to African Methodist Episcopal (AME) and later to the Church of the Province of South Africa (Anglican). Supported by Harry Oppenheimer When Desmond Tutu applied to join the Ordinance Guild, his application was turned down due to his debts. These were then paid off by wealthy industrialist, Harry Oppenheimer. In the 1960’s and 70’s he travelled widely internationally and benefited from grants to obtain his degree and Masters. His Master’s degree was on Islam in West Africa. (Rabble-Rouser for Peace; The Authorised Biography of Desmond Tutu by John Allen, 2006). Liberation Theology In the early 1970’s Desmond Tutu adopted Liberation Theology and Black Theology after attending a 1973 conference on the subject at New York City’s Union Theological Seminary. Ecclesiastical Platform for Political Issues In 1975 he was installed as Dean of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Johannesburg. From this point Desmond Tutu used his ecclesiastical positions to speak out on social issues, publicly endorsing international sports and economic boycotts of South Africa. In May 1976 he wrote to Prime Minister B.J. Vorster, warning that if the government did not abandon apartheid, racial violence would erupt. Six weeks later the Soweto Riots broke out. Bishop of Lesotho When Desmond Tutu was nominated to be Bishop of Lesotho, March 1976, the congregation of St. Mary’s were upset and felt that he had used their parish merely as a stepping stone to advance his career. Black Consciousness Movement of God In September 1977, at the funeral of Pan African Congress revolutionary, Steve Biko, Tutu stated that the Black Consciousness Movement was being used by God. Leader of the South African Council of Churches When Desmond Tutu accepted the leadership of the South African Council of Churches in March 1978, many Anglicans in Lesotho felt angered that he was abandoning them so soon and that they had only been used to advance his career. Anonymous Foreign Donor The Tutu’s home in Orlando West was bought for them by an “anonymous foreign donor.” Desmond Tutu stated that he was determined that the South African Council of Churches (SACC) would become the “most visible human rights advocacy group” in the country. His time as head of the SACC was dominated by fundraising for the organisation’s projects. Financial Scandal While he was in charge of the SACC it was revealed that one of its divisional directors had been involved in massive embezzlement of funds. At the 1981 Eloff Commission to investigate the misappropriation of SACC funds, Desmond Tutu used the opportunity to attack the South African government as “evil” and “unchristian.” It was suspected that the SACC was channelling funds to ANC and PAC revolutionaries. Public Support for the ANC At a trial of Umkhonto We Sizwe (ANC terrorist wing) members, Desmond Tutu testified that, although he was committed to non-violence, he could understand why the ANC had turned to violence to overthrow apartheid. Desmond Tutu also publicly signed a petition calling for the release of ANC leader Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned for acts of terrorism. This led to correspondence between Tutu and Mandela. Worldwide Agenda In 1979 Desmond Tutu told foreign journalists that he supported an international economic boycott of South Africa. In 1980 the South Africa Council of Churches committed itself to supporting civil disobedience. On international speaking tours Desmond Tutu met UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, spoke at Westminster Abbey, met Pope John Paul II at the Vatican and was compared with civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in America. However, Jerry Falwell and Pat Buchanan described him as a “communist sympathiser.” United Democratic Front In 1983 Tutu became the Patron of the United Democratic Front (UDF) which was widely recognised to be the internal arm of the ANC. Because of the prevalence of the brutal necklace murder (using an automobile tyre filled with fuel) to burn alive Black Town Councillors and others deemed as ‘sell-outs’), the UDF was referred to as Uniroyal Dunlop and Firestone (popular brands of tyres). “The Kingdom of God has arrived in Zimbabwe!” Desmond Tutu publicly praised the Mugabe ZANU regime takeover of Zimbabwe in 1980, declaring that the Kingdom of God had arrived in Zimbabwe! (Ecunews 11/1980). Stoning more Effective than Sermons? While stone throwing was injuring and killing people on the roads, Desmond Tutu was quoted in the Daily Telegraph of London, November 1984, as stating; “One young man with a stone in his hands can achieve more than I can with a dozen sermons.” Blacks are Victims – Whites are Villains In the Argus, (19.3.84) Desmond Tutu declared: “Thank God I am Black! White people will have a lot to answer for at the last judgement!” Condemning Ronald Reagan When US President Ronald Reagan refused to impose economic sanctions on South Africa, Desmond Tutu condemned Ronald Reagan as a “crypto-racist” and Reagan’s government as an “unmitigated disaster.” Welcoming Soviets as Saviours During the height of the Cold War, while South African troops were locked in deadly battles with the Soviet Union and its Cuban surrogates in Angola, Desmond Tutu declared in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, in 1984: “If the Russians were to invade South Africa, most blacks would welcome them as saviours!” Communist China Provides “a Very Good Model” He also declared to the Washington Enquirer (29.8.1986): “Communist China will provide a very good model for developing countries.” Socialist On economics, Tutu declared to the Sunday Times (29.12.1985): “I am a socialist. I hate capitalism.” Yet he lived in Houghton and Bishops Court, two of the most exclusive and richest suburbs in the country. Marxist Inside South Africa, April 1988, quoted Desmond Tutu as saying: “I think I would use Marxist insights, ‘from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.’ That, I think, is in line with what our Lord, Himself, would have taught.” Condemning the West to Hell When Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain and President Ronald Reagan of the United States refused to disinvest from South Africa, Desmond Tutu was quoted in the Cape Times (23.7.1986): “The West can go to hell!” “Mandela is My Leader” The Star (16.8.1985) quoted Desmond Tutu as stating: “Mandela is my leader and I am not going to be dictated to as to who should be my leader.” “No Room for Peaceful Struggle” Interestingly, although Desmond Tutu was officially non-violent, Nelson Mandela had been quoted in the Washington Times as declaring: “There is no alternative to take up arms. There is no room for peaceful struggle in South Africa.” Which could be one of the reasons why Desmond Tutu did not have a good relationship with Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi of the Zulus. Prince Buthelezi worked tirelessly, effectively and peacefully for reform within South Africa, yet was condemned by Mandela and Tutu for doing so. Dr. Buthelezi observed that Mandela’s armed struggle delayed the end of apartheid by decades. Irresponsible Suggestions The Volkskrant, Holland, 15.11.1984, quoted Tutu as saying: “Imagine what would happen if only 30% of domestic servants in white households would poison their employer’s food?” On WNBC-TV, December 1985, Tutu said: ”Suppose you gave them each a vial of arsenic … they look after the white people’s children …” The Sunday Times, 26.1.1986, quoted Tutu as saying: “Is it not surprising that Black resistance has not blown up a school bus with white children. They are the softest target.” The Westdene Bus Disaster When a double-decker bus carrying 72 high school students went off the causeway into a small suburban dam in Westdene, March 1985, 42 children drowned that afternoon. The bus driver, who was described as non-white, William Horne, survived. His passengers had all been white Afrikaans school children. Conspiracy theories and allegations came fast and furiously in the next few weeks. Yet, Desmond Tutu continued to publicly speculate on what harm Black people might do to white children. Nobel Peace Prize In 1984, Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Prize Selection Committee said that they wanted to recognise a Black South African to make a political statement and thought Desmond Tutu would be a less controversial choice than either Mandela or Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Bishop of Johannesburg In 1985 Desmond Tutu was enthroned as Bishop of Johannesburg. In his inaugural sermon he declared that he would call on the international community to introduce economic sanctions against South Africa. The Country was Burning Because of the UDF Desmond Tutu declared: “We face a catastrophe in this land, and only the action of the international community by applying pressure can save us. Our land is bleeding and burning and so I call the international community to apply punitive sanctions against this government to help us establish a new South Africa.” What Desmond Tutu left out here is that the country was bleeding and burning as a direct result of the actions by the UDF that he was patron of and because the ANC, whose leader he said was his leader and whose objectives were his own. The Soviets Supplied the Bombs and Land Mines It was the very Soviets, who Tutu said he would welcome as saviours if they invaded the country, who were providing the landmines, limpet mines, car bombs and other weapons of terror, which were maiming and killing people in the streets of South Africa. Such as with the Church Street bombing of 1983. Making South Africa Ungovernable Not even the ANC’s call to make South Africa “ungovernable” could make Tutu to distance himself from the ANC as “the government-in-waiting.” In 1985 Desmond Tutu proposed a national strike. Archbishop of Cape Town As Philip Russel announced his retirement as Archbishop of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu was in Atlanta, Georgia, receiving the Martin Luther King Jr. peace prize. He was informed that he had been nominated as the next Archbishop of Cape Town. The most senior position in the church of the Province of South Africa. The Archbishop and the Bible In the run-up to the enthronement ceremony at the Cathedral of St. George in Cape Town, Gospel Defence League printed 10,000 copies of The Archbishop and The Bible, comparing the public statements of Bishop Tutu with the clear teachings of Scripture. These compact booklets with the insignia of the archbishop on the purple cover, were distributed to delegates and guests as they came to the event. Literature Ministry We were handing out these booklets to clergymen arriving in their gowns at Cape Town International airport, and in Wale street outside St. Georges Cathedral, on the morning of 7 September 1986. Public Protest There was a huge mob of Tutu supporters in the street and many international media present. Three of our people dressed in black walked slowly and solemnly towards the side of St. Georges Cathedral. There they solemnly laid a wreath against the stone walls of the church and stood back in an attitude of prayer. When questioned as to what did this mean? Why were they doing this? The media were informed: “This is in memory of the Anglican Church.” “We Will Necklace You!” There was an explosion of anger and outrage from the mob. One of the thugs screamed at one of our people, Cindy Leontsinus: “We will necklace you!” More threats and curses followed. Mob Evangelism As a mob surrounded me I was challenged: “Why are you distributing these anti-Tutu booklets?” “They are not anti-Tutu, but pro-Christ; we are calling people back to the Bible.” “What do you see as wrong with Tutu?” “He is man-centered, not Christ-centered; his solutions are political, not spiritual.” “Do you disapprove of Tutu’s enthronement as Archbishop?” “Yes, certainly. I believe a church leader should be a man of prayer, not a man of politics.” “But Tutu is a man of the people!” “Maybe so, but he is not a man of God.” “a man of God must be a man of the people.” “Rubbish. A man of God must be a man of the Bible, capable of preaching Repentance to sinful, rebellious mankind. We must not be man pleasers, but people who seek to please God.” “The people have elected Tutu.” “Quite right, God has not chosen him, but people. And which people? The press has catapulted Tutu into this office, not God, nor the ordinary church members.” “Why are you here attacking Tutu?” “I am here standing for Christ, calling the church to return to Biblical standards, to reject worldly standard and return to God.” “You do not belong here - why have you come?” “Why have you come – are you an Anglican?” I countered. “No.” “Are you an Anglican?” I asked another. “No.” “Are you a Christian – do you love Jesus?” “I am against apartheid”, they replied. “The issue is not apartheid, it’s God and your relationship with Him. Are you born again?” “I am against apartheid”, came the monotonous parrot cry. “Fine, we know what you’re against, what are you for?” At this point the man broke into hate-filled swearing at me. “So, you see”, I pointed out, “this is the kind of supporters Tutu has.” More of the mob broke out in curses and threats toward me. “I do not see the love of Christ in your eyes. I do not see Christian love in your faces, only bitterness and hate. Repent of your evil, repent of your hatred. Turn from your sins and turn to Christ.” I challenged them. There was a shocked silence and then more hate-filled threats, curses and accusations. While the Media was Distracted While this conversation was going on, I could see that Bishop Tutu had come outside through a side door and was standing at the top of the stairs in front of the closed main double-doors. He was dressed in his full Bishop’s regalia with a large crooked stick in his hands. He was at the point in the programme where he was to bang on the doors with his crooked stick in preparation for the doors to be flung wide and for him to enter in grand procession. But none of the media were on the stairs and he was plainly agitated, trying to call them to record this historic event. “You Have Chosen Barabbas!” Finally, the journalists realised that they were missing out on Tutu’s grand entrance. They positioned themselves in a semi-circle around Desmond Tutu to record his dramatic entry into the Cathedral. There was a moment of silence, as Tutu had his arm raised with his crooked shepherd staff about to strike the doors. One of our mission workers, John, shouted out for all to hear: “You have chosen Barabbas!” Desmond Tutu looked over his shoulder, as did the journalists, to see who had shouted that. They got the message. As The Sowetan and The Star reported the next day, “a small group of vigorous protestors from Christian Action nearly overshadowed the main event.” Political Eucharist Show After the ceremony at St. Georges Cathedral, Tutu held an open-air Eucharist for thousands of people in the Cape showgrounds in Goodwood (where the Grand West casino stands today). He invited Allan Boesak and Albertina Sisulu to give political speeches. Personal Evangelism We were standing at the entrance, handing out our booklets to people streaming in. “Enjoy the show,” I said. People received The Archbishop and The Bible booklets enthusiastically, probably assuming they were official programmes. Many evangelistic discussions and opportunities for counselling and prayer resulted from these street outreaches. “If Jesus Came to South Africa …” On Friday 13th February, 1987, Archbishop Tutu declared before a crowd of 4,000 at a graduation ceremony of the University of the Western Cape: “If Jesus Christ came to South Africa today, He would be in trouble with the authorities because of his solidarity with the poor, the oppressed and the hungry. And He would certainly be detained!” (Cape Times, 14.2.1987). Would He Be Detained? … Or Necklaced? At the time I responded by publishing a leaflet entitled: “If Jesus came to South Africa, would He be detained? Or Necklaced?” In this leaflet I wrote: “Sensational and irresponsible declarations like these are hardly unique in this time of fanatical hysteria and radical propaganda. Nor is it that unusual that a leader of a church hierarchy could espouse emotive and manipulative political nonsense. What is amazing is that 4,000 people could listen to such unsubstantiated fiction without at least some real Christians standing up to challenge this political priest. Mob Violence “If Jesus came to South Africa today … would He be detained? … Or is it not more likely that He would be burnt to death, necklaced, by the same kind of mobs which screamed: “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” Luke 23:20 Religious Leaders Conspired to Have Christ Crucified “Or has Archbishop Tutu so neglected to study the Scriptures that he has forgotten who contrived to arrest and crucify Jesus? Does Tutu not recall that it was the religious leaders; the scribes and Sadducees, Pharisees and chief priests – the theologians, the bishops, priests and archbishops of that time who ruthlessly plotted the murder of God’s Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. And the reason was not so much political, but religious. It was because the religious leaders would not believe that Jesus was who the Old Testaments prophecies said He was. Of course, many of our religious leaders today – theological professors, bishops and ministers, are also guilty of this sin of unbelief and reject the Deity of Christ and the Inerrancy of Scripture. The Political Leader Found no Reason to Condemn Jesus “The Bible clearly teaches that the Roman governor, Pilate, tried to find a way to set Jesus free - John 19:13; That this political leader declared: ‘I find no reason to condemn Him’ - John 19:65; ‘I cannot find any reason to condemn Him’ - John 19:4; ‘I find no reason to condemn this Man’ – Luke 23:4.” The Mob Chose Barabbas It was the hypocritical religious leaders and the easily manipulated mobs of people in the street who demanded the death of Jesus and the release of Barabbas. “And there was one named Barabbas, who was chained with his fellow rebels; they had committed murder in the rebellion … but the chief priests stirred up the crowd, so that he should rather release Barabbas to them.” Mark 15:7,11. The Religious Leaders Incited the Mob to Demand the Crucifixion of Christ “How like the archbishops of our day that the chief priests were more concerned about the release of a prisoner, a rebel and a murderer, than with the Son of God. Pilate, therefore, wishing to release Jesus, again called out to them. But they shouted, saying, Crucify Him, Crucify Him!” Luke 23:20-21 They Leave Ruin and Destruction Behind Them How like the mobs of our day that they allowed themselves to be manipulated by ruthless and evil men to cause the death of the innocent. How like the illogical slogan chanting cliché-shouting fanatics of our day shouting: “Their throat is an open tomb; with their tongues they have practised deceit; the poison of asps are under their lips; whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Romans 3:13-18 “Release Barabbas!” How tragic that slogans, cliches and paradigms should replace the study of the Scriptures and logical discussion. “So Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they requested. And they released to them the one they requested, who for rebellion and murder had been thrown into prison; but he delivered Jesus to their will.” Luke 23:24-25 “Crucify Christ” How horrifying that political leaders like Pilate “wanted to please the crowd” - Mark 15:15. That a leader should be so led! That leaders could pay more attention to what is popular than to what is right. That a leader could listen more to the hysterical screaming of a mob than to the gentle, still, small voice of his conscience. “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.” Proverbs 17:15 Condemning the National Government and Condoning the ANC’s Objectives Desmond Tutu condemned the South African government as “evil … immoral … unchristian!” In 1988 Tutu declared that, while he did not support the use of violence, he did support the ANC’s objective of a non-racial, democratic South Africa. Celibacy is “Impractical” He also criticised the Anglican churches insistence that gay priests remain celibate, describing it as “impractical.” The National Council of Churches in Rustenburg In 1990, I was invited to be a delegate at the National Council of Churches in Rustenburg. Desmond Tutu was chairing this event. Although their press statement claimed that the NCC included 360 delegates from 200 denominations, the venue was advertised to have a capacity of 160 and I had the official Media List which had less than 160 people listed as attending from 39 different organisations, churches and universities. It was disturbing that the National Council of Churches could not even be honest about how many people were delegates and how many denominations were represented. Towards a United Christian Witness in a Changing South Africa The NCC gathered in Rustenburg, under the banner: Towards a United Christian Witness in a Changing South Africa. We were informed that the Declaration that would come out of the NCC would be a synthesis of all the input from the different discussion groups. As I was the appointed scribe in our discussion group, I can testify that none of the recommendations of our group found its way into the final Declaration, which they declared had been “adopted unanimously” at Rustenburg! That was not possible because I was a vocal opponent of it and there was never an opportunity to vote anyway. Hostility to Pro-Life Convictions However, I must say that Desmond Tutu did actually speak up for me at the conference. My first contribution to a plenary session was reporting back on the recommendations of our discussion group. As I began: “We uphold the right to life of preborn babies …” there was an explosion of anger. Shouts and curses were directed at me, some by people wearing priestly and bishop garb! Anger at Raising Moral Concerns There was more anger when I read out: “we oppose the exploitative pornography industry. Families must be protected from pornography and perversion.” More shouts of hostility and anger was expressed at me. Outrage that Concerns of Blasphemy and Pornography were Raised When I spoke against blasphemy and pornography, one of the delegates, Hugh Wetmore, of the Evangelical Fellowship of South Africa, stood up and actually declared that if we want freedom for the Bible and Christianity, we must allow equal freedom for pornography! Opposition to Bible Based Moral Education Controlled by Parents Then I spoke of the need for parental control of education, of the teachers and textbooks. Politicians should not be allowed to interfere in the moulding of the minds of future voters. When I said that education should be Bible based, moral and character building, the same evangelical leader, Hugh Wetmore, declared that “out of love for our neighbour”, we need to allow equal access for Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism in the schools. This seemed quite inconsistent as exposing our children to false religion and deception hardly seems loving. All this was said amongst heckling, interruptions and insults. When Tutu Spoke Up for Me The amount of hostility and interruptions directed against me led Bishop Tutu, as chairman, to have to remind the conference that I was a delegate and had a right to be heard. National Controversy The Declaration that was finally issued from the NCC at Rustenburg basically parroted the mainstream media narrative and rubber stamped the ANC agenda. This led to much controversy in the media as I published press statements and letters to the editor countering the disinformation and dishonest statistics put out by the NCC, pointing out that it was by no means “unanimous.” There had never even been an opportunity to vote on the Declaration. I was told that it was “Peter Hammond Contra Mundrum.” The whole world wanted an ANC-led South Africa and I was interfering! The St. James Massacre When, on 25 July 1993, APLA terrorists of the Pan African Congress (PAC) attacked the congregation of St. James Church of England, in Kenilworth, one of our mission workers, Charl van Wyk, shot back, wounding the terrorist who was machine-gunning the congregation. As the terrorists fled, Charl pursued the terrorists into the parking lot and fired at their getaway car. Condemning the One who Shot Back Although Police Commissioner N.H. Acker gave a Commendation to Charl van Wyk for his quick and courageous action which “prevented further loss of life,” Bishop Tutu chose to condemn the congregant who shot back! The Cape Times and Argus quoted Bishop Tutu saying that it is “just not on” for worshippers to come to church armed! Deception for a Media Photo Op Immediately after the St. James massacre, when the church sanctuary was sealed for investigation as a crime scene, Archbishop Tutu, with a media entourage, gained access to the site of the massacre by claiming to the policeman on duty that he was the head of the denomination! Most people were not aware that the Church of England in South Africa (CESA) is an entirely different denomination from Tutu’s Church of the Province in South Africa (Anglican denomination). As pictures of Desmond Tutu inside the bullet and shrapnel scarred sanctuary were published worldwide, the impression was gained that it was one of his churches that had been attacked. I received calls from people overseas asking how it was that “white supremacists” had butchered poor innocent Black people from Desmond Tutu’s denomination while worshipping in church! The Pan African Congress affiliation of the terrorist assailants was left out of most media reports. Also that most of the victims were whites in this multi-racial congregation. These facts were conveniently left out so as not to interfere with the narrative of Black victims and White villains. It did seem that Tutu exploited this tragedy for his image and narrative overseas. Promoting the Gay Agenda Desmond Tutu criticised the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, at the 1998 Lambeth Conference of Bishops, for being “too accommodating to conservatives” who wanted to eject US and Canadian Anglicans from the Anglican communion after they had taken an LGBTQ stance on ordaining openly gay priests and bishops and promoting same-sex marriages. “Blair and Bush Should be Tried for War Crimes” In 2012, Tutu called for US President, George W Bush and British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, to be tried by the International Criminal Court for war crimes in the Iraq war. Mandela gave Tutu South Africa’s Highest Award In June 1996, Nelson Mandela presented Desmond Tutu South Africa’s highest honour: The Award for Meritorious Service. “The Truth and Reconciliation Commission” From 1996 to 1998 Desmond Tutu was chairman of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission. Many saw this as a propaganda stunt, much like Stalin and Mao’s show trials to discredit the previous authorities. However, many in the ANC were horrified when revelations of ANC torture, attacks on civilians and other human rights abuses were also heard. ANC Interference The ANC authorities sought to suppress those parts of the TRC report. Tutu was infuriated at this attempt at “government interference” and warned of the ANC’ abuse of power, stating that “yesterday’s oppressed could easily become today’s oppressors. We have seen it happen all over the world and we shouldn’t be surprised to see if it happens here.” “Mbeki’s Demands for Sycophantic, Obsequious Conformity” When Thabo Mbeki became president of South Africa in 1999, Desmond Tutu was concerned and publicly charged that the ANC under Mbeki’s leadership was demanding: “sycophantic, obsequious conformity.” Mbeki accused Tutu of “criminalising” the ANC’s military struggle and its Umkhonto We Sizwe (MK Operative). Criticising Corruption Desmond Tutu criticised President Jacob Zuma’s “moral failings” of rape and corruption, and the ANC’s policy of “quiet diplomacy” towards Mugabe’s government, which he no longer regarded as “the Kingdom of God having arrived in Zimbabwe”. In fact, Desmond Tutu described Mugabe as “having gone bonkers in a big way.” In 2008, Tutu called for a UN peace-keeping force to be sent to Zimbabwe. Speaking Up for Muslims Suffering in Dafur Although he ignored the genocide of Christians in South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains, Desmond Tutu spoke out on behalf of Muslims who were suffering in the Western Province of Dafur in Sudan. “Worse than Apartheid” When Desmond Tutu invited the exiled leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama to attend his 80th birthday, the ANC government prohibited his entry, so as not to offend Red China, who had invaded and occupied Tibet. Desmond Tutu declared that South Africa, under the ANC, was “worse than apartheid.” In 2013, Desmond Tutu declared that he would no longer vote for the ANC. Disillusioned It is notable that, in later life, Desmond Tutu came to be critical of the ANC. Doubtless he was much disillusioned by how the promised paradise had turned out to be something of a hell hole. The fact that he was snubbed by the ANC when it came to Nelson Mandela’s funeral must also have hurt. A Hero to the World It is completely understandable that secular humanists, liberation theologians and Marxists, globalists and those who support the New World Order are praising Desmond Tutu as a hero, freedom fighter, saint and global icon. It is understandable that many in the mainstream media support a political priest who supported so much of their agenda, including abortion, euthanasia, the LGBTQ agenda, socialism and globalism. Do Not be Conformed to the World However, it is disturbing that so many evangelicals Christians, Bible-believing people are joining the world in parroting many of these extravagant and, in many cases, undeserved praises. Did Tutu Repent and Turn to Christ? There is no indication that Desmond Tutu ever repented of his rejection of the Virgin birth and rejection of the inerrancy of Scripture. Inoculating People Against Christianity Many people were put off and repelled from the church by Desmond Tutu’s radical political pronouncements. A common refrain that I heard repeatedly: “I used to be an Anglican until I put Tu and Tu together!” Man-centered churches and political priests repel many away, or distract many, from our highest priority. The Need for Discernment Therefore, it is important to state that Desmond Tutu did not represent the true Church of Jesus Christ. His teachings were not an accurate reflection of the Bible. He did not faithfully proclaim the Gospel of Christ. We need to recognise that people fail. We are not calling anyone to the church or churchianity. You can find any number of failings and shocking scandals in people and political figures. But nobody can possibly point to any failings in our Lord Jesus Christ. It is He, The Way, The Truth and The Life that we must proclaim and focus on. “For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober minded, just, holy, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful Word as he has been taught, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict.” Titus 1:7-9 Seek First the Kingdom of God The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Our highest priority is the fulfilment of the Great Commission of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We must love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. We need to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. We must make disciples of all nations and teach obedience to all things He has commanded. Reject the False Gospel of Liberation Theology Liberation theology is a totally unacceptable distortion of the Scriptures. Their gospel is Marxism, their kingdom is communism. Their freedom ends up in oppression, their evangelism is subversion and their missionaries are, in many cases, rioters and terrorists. This is neither a theology, nor a liberation. “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him, who called you in the grace of Christ to a different gospel … but even if we, or angel from Heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:6-9
Dr. Peter Hammond Gospel Defence League P.O. Box 36129, Glosderry 7720 Cape Town, South Africa Tel: (021) 689-4480 Email: [email protected] Website: See also: Liberation Theology The Heart and Soul of Karl Marx The Archbishop and the Bible
To view this presentation as a PowerPoint with pictures, click here. To view this presentation as a video, click here. To watch a video of this lecture, click here. To listen to the audio of this message, click here. Parliament on Fire Early on Sunday morning, 2nd January, Cape Town Fire and Rescue Services received a call that smoke was seen coming out of the Parliamentary buildings. Fire fighters began arriving on the scene within six minutes of the report and before any fire alarm had been made from Parliament itself! Cape Town Fire & Rescue Services soon had five fire engines and 36 fire fighters on the scene. This later swelled to 70 fire fighters as the blaze continued to spread out of control. Initial Damage Assessment City of Cape Town member for Safety & Security, J.P. Smith, said that the fire seemed to have started in the office complex on the 3rd and top floor (the offices for ANC MP’s) and gradually spread to the gymnasium. The roof of the old Assembly building had completely collapsed, the main Assembly chamber was gutted and there were cracks showing in the walls. Destructive Fire fighters fought the blaze throughout Sunday before bringing it under control, but the roof burst into flames again on Monday afternoon. Many offices were severely gutted by the fire. Great damage was caused to the new Assembly wing which includes the National Assembly Chamber. Suspected Arsonist Arrested Police reported that a 49-year-old (some reports said 51 years old) suspect had been taken into custody. It was reported that a man linked to the fire that gutted parts of Parliament is due to appear in the Cape Town Magistrates Court on Tuesday. The suspect faces charges of housebreaking, theft and arson and will also be charged under the National Key Points Act. Sprinkler System Disabled Minister of Public Works, Patricia de Lille, confirmed that the sprinkler system at Parliament had failed to operate, because the valves had been closed. The minister could not offer an explanation as to who had been responsible for this. Library Preserved The Mayor of Cape Town, Geordin Hill-Lewis, reported that while the Parliamentary Library had some smoke damage, the fire had not reached the Library and it was safe. The mayor described the destruction of so much history as a “national tragedy.” The Absence of Security Personnel It appears that the fire had been raging for some time before being reported. Reportedly, there were no security personnel in the building at the time, as Parliament was not willing to pay workers overtime during the New Year holiday weekend. An “Opportunity to Relocate Parliament” The fire was still blazing when Deputy-President of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Floyd Shivambu announced that this burning of Parliament is an opportunity for the relocation of Parliament to Gauteng. Centralisation in Gauteng Shivambu demanded that the “illogical” Cape Town location should be reconsidered. Rather than repairing the buildings, it would be better to move Parliament to Tshwane in Gauteng, “a central and easily accessible area where the administrative capital is.” “Keeping Parliament in Cape Town is plainly illogical! The pillar is One Capital City!” The Reason Why South Africa has Three Capitals At the Union of South Africa in 1910 it was determined that, in keeping with Reformation principles of Decentralisation, the three branches of government would be geographically separated. The Legislative capital would be Cape Town, the site of parliament. The Judicial capital would be Bloemfontein with the Supreme Court. The Executive capital would be Pretoria with Union Buildings. EFF: “A Beautiful Fire!” EFF member of Parliament, Mbuyiseni Ndlozi described the fire as “beautiful.” On social media he exclaimed: “whatever the cause! Whatever the intentions, IT IS A BEAUTIFUL FIRE!” ”A Valuable Opportunity” Ndlozi declared that the fire offered South Africa “a valuable opportunity” for a “fresh start” to move Parliament to Tshwane. “A fire that allows us to start from scratch! A clean slate. Don’t renovate! Turn it into a museum as we accept a gift of such a beautiful fire! A clean slate to start afresh; IN TSHWANE!” “A National Disgrace” DA member of Parliament, Dean MacPherson, responded: “Anyone who celebrates the burning down of Parliament doesn’t deserve to be an MP. They are a national disgrace.” “An Opportunity to Permanently Relocate Parliament to Gauteng” An official statement from the EFF declared: “If there is any appetite to curb wasteful government expenditure and to cut all ties related to the colonial framework established by those who conquered this nation, this fire must serve as an opportunity to permanently relocate Parliament to Gauteng. This will allow government work to be synchronised … the EFF has long called for Parliament to be relocated to a central location for political and cost-related reasons.” Suspicious Timing of Arson at Parliament The African Transformation Movement (ATM) called for a multi-party committee to investigate the “suspicious burning” of Parliament after the devastation of this historic site on Sunday. The ATM declared that everything isn’t as it seems. “The ATM has noted the burning of Parliament with great suspicion. We trust that this is not another calculated shenanigan to issue unnecessary so-called emergency tenders for refurbishments, private housing of the opening of Parliament, or an attempt to scupper the inevitable secret ballot for No Confidence motion in Ramaphosa.” A Convenient Disaster to Derail Corruption Investigations The ATM noted that, with infections declining and Parliament planning to resume as normal, only hours away from viewing the State-Capture Inquiry Report, this fire is suspiciously convenient for the ANC government which would prefer their failures and corruption not to be subjected to debate in Parliament. A New Excuse to Sideline Parliament and Accountability “With hospitalisations on the decline and the relaxation of the lockdown regulations, it is becoming clear that the normal operations of Parliament who were about to resume where Ramaphosa and his executive would be held accountable for mis-governing the country. Furthermore, it is suspicious that this happens on the eve of Parliament receiving the State Capture Report where Ramaphosa, the ANC and members of Parliament are implicated. A multi-party team should be appointed as a matter of urgency to get to the bottom of this strange and suspicious first-time occurrence. The ATM has no confidence in our Intelligence Services and thus this matter cannot be left solely in their hands.” The Missing Parliamentary Protection Service National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) Parliament branch chairperson, Sthembiso Tembu, said: “Parliament can’t rely on the police alone. They are outside. We are supposed to have the PPS (Parliamentary Protection Service) inside 24 hours … the PPS were not there because they (management) said they cannot pay overtime.” Had they (PPS) been there, they would have been able to intervene and minimise the damage.” Dysfunctional Administration at Parliament The Union said that it had already contacted administration over health and safety concerns last year. Recommendations of a 2018 report had not yet been put into place. Violations of Health and Safety Procedures DA Member of Parliament, Samantha Graham, also raised concerns about health and safety compliance issues across the parliamentary precinct in a 2020 independent BDO assessment. “I understand that the report details over 30 violations of concern. To date, the September 2020 report has not been publicly released.” Public Works and Infrastructure Minister, Patricia de Lille said: “The report is being processed.” Comparing This Fire with the Incident 10 Months Ago This fire began on the 3rd (top) floor where ANC MP’s have offices. Ten months ago, in mid-March 2021, a fire broke out in a committee venue in the Old Assembly wing of Parliament, but was confined to the room as the sprinkler system was activated. An official fire investigation determined that it had been an electrical fault. Crime at Parliament Over the last 22 months of lockdown, Parliament has not operated at full capacity. Copper pipes have been stolen, drug dealing has been reported, break-ins and vandalism has been reported, such as with the trashing of the office of the opposition DA Chief Whip, Natasha Mazzoni. Security Failures Since 30 July 2015 the PPS has not had a permanent head. The incumbent leader and deputy were suspended over allegations of corruption and security breaches and one contract ran out while on suspension. Devastating Security Failure Just when State Capture Enquiry is to be Debated ActionSA Western Cape Provincial chairperson, Vytjie Mentor, condemned the fire as “a severe security failure … ActionSA is appalled by the act of arson that has devasted a country’s parliament, along with what must be regarded to be a severe security failure. With confirmation of the arrest of a suspect, it is clear that this was no accident and it becomes difficult to view the tragedy in isolation with the tabling of the State Capture Commission of Enquiry next week, or the unrest witnessed in July last year.” Treason Against the People of South Africa “In addition to this act of criminality, serious questions have to be asked about security and fire systems in our Parliament. South Africa’s Parliament is a vital symbol in our Constitutional democracy. It was intended to be a sacred place where law makers represent the will of the South African people and hold the President and his cabinet to account. This act of arson which has wreaked havoc in this national key point cannot be reduced to another fire, but an act committed against the South African people. Action SA’s primary focus will be to ensure that law enforcement agencies conduct their investigations rapidly and without political interference, especially if this is found to be another consequence of the ANC factional fights.” It was speculated that the fire starting in the ANC MP’s offices on the third floor was probably convenient for those who are facing investigation for corruption with many records being destroyed. The Oldest Parliament in the Southern Hemisphere Queen Victoria granted permission for the establishment of Parliament in the Cape Colony in 1853. The first sittings were held in the Governor’s residence, Tuynhuys. The Upper House was housed in the old Supreme Court buildings. Construction on the Parliament building in Cape Town began 12 May 1875 with then governor of the Cape, Henry Barkley laying the cornerstone. The first architect was Charles Freeman. The presence of ground water and other complications led to Freeman being replaced as architect by Henry Greaves in 1876. The stately building was finally opened in 1884. Historic Buildings In the 1920’s, Parliament commissioned Sir Herbert Baker to build an extension, including a new chamber for the House of Assembly. The old Assembly chamber became the Parliamentary dining room. Further extensions were added in the 1980’s when the 1910 Constitution was replaced with the 1983 Tricameral Constitution. The original Parliamentary building was designed in a Neo-Classical style incorporating features of Cape-Dutch architecture. The ANC’s Intention to Relocate Parliament In 1996 when I was summoned to meet President Nelson Mandela, the subject came up over the ANC’s intention to relocate Parliament to Midrand, in Gauteng. I questioned how such an extraordinarily huge expense could be justified in the light of his promises of housing for all? Even in the 1990’s the money needed to build an equivalent structure would cost Billions of Rands. The National Archives alone required a colossal amount of floor space. The Freemason Connection Carl Niehaus, the apostate drop-out theological student who was Mandela’s “theological advisor” said that the present parliamentary buildings could be sold to help finance this. To this I responded that actually they could not. As much of Parliament sits on ground which was owned by the South African Freemasons, the arrangement had been that the Cape government purchased the land for £1 on condition that if Parliament was ever to be moved, the land and all buildings on it would be sold back to the Freemasons for the same price, i.e., £1. While Carl Niehaus was plainly shocked to hear this, Nelson Mandela remained impassive and plainly was well aware of this provision. Nelson Mandela was himself a senior Freemason. The Plot to Destroy the Houses of Parliament On the 5th November 1605, the gunpowder plot to destroy the Palace of Westminster, which includes the House of Parliament and the House of Lords, in London, was thwarted with the arrest of Guy Fawkes and his associates. To this day the 5th November is marked with bonfires and the familiar “Remember, remember, the 5th of November, gunpowder treason and plot.” The attack on the parliament of a people is treason of the highest order. “If a fire breaks out and spreads … he who started the fire shall surely make restitution.” Exodus 22:6
Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74, Newlands, 7725 Cape Town, South Africa Tel: (021) 689-4480 Email: [email protected] Website: See also: Wildfires in Cape Town Communist Chaos and Criminal Opportunism Fuel Riots in South Africa Is South Africa Entering the Second Phase of the Revolution? |
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