Please planned to join us for the annual Remembrance Service at 12:30 for 13:00 PM on Sunday 5 November at Fish Hoek Methodist Church.
Thereafter our November tea will be on Wednesday, 29th November at the Bowling club in Fish Hoek. Our Braai, Thursday 14 December, will be at Livingstone House, 28 Park Rd, Rondebosch from 5 PM. This will be followed by a special presentation and Christmas carols. You will also have the opportunity to view the many historic books, pictures, flags and other artifacts of our Rhodesia Heritage Library at Livingstone House. |
A Call to Prayer
Sunday 12 November 2023 IDOP-Africa invites you to join Christians around the world in praying with, and for, the persecuted church on Sunday, 13 November. provides you with news, articles, resources, PowerPoints, video links and contacts to enable you to mobilise your friends, family, co-workers, congregation and community to prayer and action on behalf of those who are persecuted for the Faith. |