To listen to a related presentation Click Here “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the Judgment.” Hebrews 9:27 It Is Appointed for Men to Die and Face Judgement To some the doctrine of Eternal Judgment is a great comfort. To others it is a terrifying concept. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. Man Knows Not His Time The world was informed that the longest ruling dictator in Africa, Marxist terrorist, Robert Mugabe died in a hospital in Singapore. How various people reacted to this news speaks volumes. DA Leader Praises Murderous Dictator DA leader, Mmusi Maimane, sent his condolences to the family of “former President Mugabe. May his soul rest in peace.” Mmusi Maimane claims to be a Christian and a democrat, yet he calls the brutal dictator “President” and assumes that “his soul [will] rest in peace!” DA leader, Mmusi Maimane also described Mugabe as “a liberator!” One wonders where Maimane has been since 1980? Has he not noticed the tragic destruction of neighbouring Zimbabwe under the despotic tyranny of ZANU and Mugabe? Promised Paradise but Delivered Perdition The eulogies from leaders praising Robert Mugabe are in sharp contrast to the celebrations in Zimbabwe over the demise of the Marxist dictator, who promised them a paradise and delivered perdition. “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage.” 2 Peter 2:19 Fake Leaders and Fake News The Fake Leaders and Fake News reports: “guerrilla leader”, “hero”, “liberated his people from colonialism”, “instituted land reform”! Audacious, outrageous, deception and dishonesty are pervasive. The lamestream media has again disgraced itself as the purveyors of fake news and Marxist propaganda. “A Perfect Human Being” EFF leader, Julius Malema called Mugabe a “Hero”, “Liberator” and “a perfect human being”! “president” Emmerson Mnangagwa praised Mugabe as an “icon of liberation.” “It is with the utmost sadness that I announce the passing on of Zimbabwe’s founding father and former president Comrade Robert Mugabe.” So said the new dictator who seized power from his previous leader in a 2017 coup. Newspeak Propaganda Incredibly Mnangagwa described the deceased dictator as a “National hero!”, “Comrade Mugabe was an icon of liberation, a pan-Africanist who dedicated his life to the emancipation and empowerment of his people. His contribution to the history of our nation and continent will never be forgotten. May his soul rest in eternal peace!” Calling Mugabe “a great teacher and mentor.” And “a remarkable statesman of our century!” Mnangagwa instituted an official mourning period. Facts Can Ruin a Good Story Riddled with so many lies and hypocrisies, this is worthy of study to refute every phrase. Marxists do not believe that man has a soul, nor do they believe in “eternal peace!” Mugabe’s actual contribution was tyranny, brutality, cruelty, massacres, starvation, corruption, hyperinflation and the systematic destruction of a once safe, stable, productive country that used to be self-sufficient, even exporting food, to a disastrous basket state, beggar nation dependant on foreign aid and charity to even survive. More than half of all Zimbabweans have voted with their feet, a vote of no confidence in Mugabe’s ZANU ruled failed state, by fleeing endemic corruption and brutality in Zimbabwe to neighbouring countries. Self-Serving and Selfish Mugabe was not dedicated to “emancipating and empowering” the people of Zimbabwe! Mugabe was one of the most corrupt, self-serving and selfish leaders in history. Living in opulent decadence, feasting on giraffe meat while his destitute people starved. Mugabe enslaved and disempowered the people of Zimbabwe. Rhodesia Was Not a Colony Yet, ANC president, Cyril Ramaphosa’s, described the despot as “a champion of Africa’s cause against colonialism who inspired our own struggle against apartheid!” Well, Mugabe never fought against colonialism because Rhodesia was not a colony. Rhodesia was a self-governing country from 1923, Independent from 1965 and a Republic from 1970. Rhodesia was self-funded from the beginning, providing its own security. Rhodesia never needed British funding, nor British troops. Rhodesia never needed any foreign aid. Mugabe Never Liberated Anybody Mugabe waged a brutal terrorist war against black civilians, white farmers, Christian missionaries and Red Cross ambulance workers. Mugabe never liberated anybody. Mugabe was a Marxist terrorist, dictator and corrupt blood diamond criminal. Inspiration for the ANC His communist corruption certainly inspired the ANC “struggle” for state capture gangster-state looting of our country though. Mugabe’s tactic of distracting attention from his government’s failures and atrocities, by make scapegoats of the small minority of whites and promising free land, also inspired the disastrous ANC policy of EWC (Expropriation Without Compensation). Insulting the Intelligence of their Readers and Viewers Western media have also insulted the intelligence of their readers, or viewers, with misleading reports like this Associated Press (AP) article: “Former Zimbabwean leader, Robert Mugabe, an ex-guerrilla chief who took power when the African country shook off white minority rule and presided for decades white economic turmoil and human rights violations eroded its early promise has died in Singapore.” AP writers, Farai Mutsaka and Cristopher Torchia claimed: “Mugabe enjoyed strong support from Zimbabwe’s people…!” Truth Does Not Fear Investigation How can any journalist be so ill-informed, or dishonest, as to lie so blatantly! No, Mugabe did not enjoy popular support. Millions of Zimbabweans celebrated his fall from power. As another point of fact: Mugabe was never a guerrilla. Mugabe had the popular ZANLA guerrilla leader, Josiah Tongogara, murdered, 26 December 1979, so that he could lead ZANU. Mugabe was a politician, never a soldier, not even a guerrilla/insurgent. A Travesty of Justice Nor did Mugabe “take power”, it was handed to him by British governor, Lord Soames (son-in-law of Winston Churchill), after a very flawed “election” where all agreed that, in terms of the Lancaster House Agreement, Mugabe’s ZANU should have been disqualified for its systematic “intimidation” (terrorism) of the voters and flagrant violations of the accord and electoral code of conduct. As Ian Smith declared: “We were never defeated by our enemies, we were betrayed by our friends.” Reality vs. Rhetoric Most importantly, Mugabe was not an innocent victim of “economic turmoil and human rights violations”! Mugabe was the prime human agent responsible for the socialist policies which destroyed the robust economy inherited from Rhodesia. Mugabe initiated the communist revolution that violated human rights, including the Gukurahundi massacres of tens-of-thousands of civilians in Matabeleland, the chaotic farm invasions, the blood diamond wars in the Congo and Zimbabwe’s own blood diamond scandals in the Marange diamond fields, South East of Zimbabwe, since 2008. “Destructive forces are at work in the city, threats and lies never leave is streets.” Psalm 55:11 Learning from the Mistakes of Others At “independence”, Mugabe declared to Newsweek: “We are not going to make the same mistakes the rest of Black Africa has made. We are going to learn from their mistakes.” It is hard to think of anything he learned… except how to lie, steal, cheat and murder. What mistakes, or crimes, did Mugabe fail to implement? Mugabe’s True Legacy of Corruption, Brutality, Starvation and Disease Starvation, disease, corruption and brutality were the hallmarks of Mugabe’s Marxist ZANU in Zimbabwe. Hospitals ran out of medicine. Shops ran out of food. Fuel stations ran out of petrol. Banks ran out of money. Water failed to flow though the pipes. Electricity power failures became the norm. Tuberculosis, HIV, Cholera and Malaria spread like wildfire. Zimbabwe’s cholera epidemic reached 10 X (1,000%) the African average, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Zimbabwean life expectancy plummeted under Mugabe, from over 60 years in 1980, to 37 years for men and 34 years for women by 2006, the lowest in the world. Ignoring Disastrous Track Record Yet, despite his disastrous track record, Mugabe was elected president of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Chairman of the African Union (AU and UN “Goodwill Ambassador” for the World Health Organisation (WHO)! The intense suffering of the people of Zimbabwe apparently did not matter to the AU, UN, SADC, or CNN and the BBC for that matter. Truth is Stranger than Fiction It all sounds like a bizarre Monty Python comic satire. The lunatics are running the asylum. If this was part of a scripted plot in a fiction film or book, it would be dismissed as: “Unbelievable!” Why was Mugabe in a Hospital in Singapore? The fact that Mugabe died in a hospital in Singapore is most revealing. Mugabe and his destructive socialist policies had so destroyed the once advanced and excellent hospitals built up by Rhodesia that he had to fly to previous British colony Singapore where free enterprise provides better health care than any socialist state. Why did Mugabe not go to a Zimbabwean hospital? Or, a communist state? Or, at least an African hospital? Why Singapore, far away in Asia? What an indictment on the catastrophic communist failure of Mugabe and ZANU! The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation Yet, as they once praised Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Fidel Castro, the BBC gushed with ridiculous praise for Mugabe: “broadening access to health care and education for the black majority!” Are there no genuine investigative journalists left at the BBC? As anyone who has actually lived in Zimbabwe could testify: Mugabe’s thug’s looted hospitals, closed hospitals, burned schools, beat up teachers, kidnapped and brutalised students and closed schools. The health care and education standards were vastly better for black people in Rhodesia. Zimbabwe became a failed state under Mugabe lowering life expectancy to almost half that of Rhodesia and taking a country with the lowest unemployment in Africa (under 4%) to the highest, 95% unemployment! That was even after half the population had fled the country! “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32. “Hate evil, love good, establish justice in the gate…” Amos 5:15 Blasphemous Bolshevik False Prophet Mugabe blasphemously boasted that he had beaten Jesus Christ, by rising from the dead more times than Christ, who had only risen from the dead once! Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. “When Justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” Proverbs 21:15. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. Witnessing to Mugabe I have been asked: “Have you shared the Gospel with Mugabe?” Yes, we have. I have written to him and one of our Board Members, Bishop Bwanali Phiri, met with and prayed with Robert Mugabe and presented him with the gift of a Bible. How Are We as Believers to Respond to Death? The Bible mandates capital punishment for murder, rape and kidnapping. Believers are to pray the imprecatory Psalms of justice against the wicked. God will ensure justice in eternity. “For I, the Lord, love justice. I hate robbery.” Isaiah 61:8 The Choices Before Us We are in the middle of a world war of worldviews. A battle for the mind. A battle for the heart.
A battle for the future. The choice before us is clear: The lies of the world, or the truth of the Word of God? Indoctrination or education? Communism or Christianity? The broad road to destruction, or the narrow way to life? Heaven or hell? The grace of God, or the wrath of God? Is Jesus Christ your Saviour and Lord? If not, He will be your Judge. “It is appointed unto men once to die and after that to face Judgement…” Hebrews 9:27 Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Email: [email protected] Website: See also: Zimbabwe Celebrates as Mugabe Falls Mugabe’s Blood Diamonds Mugabe Tsunami in Zimbabwe The National Suicide of Zimbabwe
To listen to an audio of this message, click here. To view a video of this presentation, click here. To view a PowerPoint of this presentation, click here As a Missionary, who for 38 years has concentrated on serving persecuted Christians in Restricted Access Areas, I have travelled in 42 countries and worked in 38 countries across 4 continents. This included throughout Eastern Europe, behind the Iron Curtain, during the Cold War. Yugoslavia When I first visited Yugoslavia and heard people in Croatia speaking about their need for independence, I was highly skeptical that it could succeed. Yugoslavia consisted of six republics, five nations, four languages, three major religions, two alphabets, but only one political party – the Communist Party. Croatia In 1990, the first multiparty elections were held in Croatia. On 25 June 1991, Croatia declared independence, which came into effect 8 October 1991. By 15 January 1992, Croatia was recognised as an independent country by the European Economic Community. The aggression by Yugoslavia was effectively ended August 1995, with a decisive victory by Croatia. Since then, 5 August has been observed as a Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day. Slovenia In Slovenia, a group of intellectuals articulated the case for Slovene independence in 1987, in the magazine Nova Revija. The Committee for the Defense of Human Rights was formed. Demands for democratisation and independence for Slovenia forced the communist government to enact a number of democratic reforms. In September 1989, constitutional amendments were passed to introduce parliamentary democracy to Slovenia. On 7 March 1990 the Slovenian assembly changed the official name of the state to the Republic of Slovenia. April 1990, the first democratic elections in Slovenia took place. On 23 December 1990, more than 88% of the electorate voted in a referendum for a sovereign and independent Slovenia. Slovenia declared independence 25 June 1991. The Yugoslav People’s Army invaded on 27 June 1991, which led to the 10-Day War. The result was the Brijuni Agreement and the withdrawal of the Yugoslav army from Slovenia. December 1991, a new constitution was adopted, followed by laws on denationalisation and privatisation of state enterprises in 1992. The members of the European Union recognised Slovenia as an independent state on 15 January 1992. Slovakia When I first travelled to Bratislava, in Czechoslovakia, talk of the Slovakians seceding from Czechoslovakia seemed unrealistic and impossible. The Christians were adamant that Slovakia must become an independent country. Indeed, following the collapse of communist rule in Czechoslovakia in 1989 and withdrawal of the Soviet Red Army, the Slovak Socialist Republic was renamed the Slovak Republic and on 17 July 1992, Slovakia declared itself a sovereign state, meaning that its laws took precedence over those of the federal government. Throughout the autumn of 1992, negotiations with the Czech Federal government resulted in the vote, 31 December 1992, to dissolve Czechoslovakia. The Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic went their separate ways after 1 January 1993. As the overthrow of communist rule in Czechoslovakia had been called The Velvet Revolution, the peaceful separation of Czech and Slovakia was called The Velvet Divorce. The Baltic States Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are three Baltic states which were occupied over the centuries by Sweden, Poland and Russia. Latvia The Republic of Latvia was established 18 November 1918, when it seceded from the Soviet Union. In 1940, Latvia was invaded by the Soviet Union. Later Latvia was liberated by German forces during Operation Barbarossa in 1941. In 1944, the Soviet Red Army again invaded Latvia and forced it back into the Soviet Union. Starting in 1987, the Singing Revolution called for Baltic emancipation from communism and Soviet occupation. On 4 May 1990, the Declaration on the Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia was issued and on 21 August 1991, Latvia declared its independence. Latvia has been declared the capital of Culture in Europe and its capital, Riga, has hosted the Choir Olympics, which my daughter, as part of the Cape Town Youth Choir, participated in. Over 140 choirs from around the world gathered in Riga for this event. Estonia Estonia was also occupied over the centuries by Polish, Swedish and Russian forces and declared independence, 24 February 1918. On 6 August 1940, Estonia was invaded and occupied by the Soviet Red Army and incorporated into the Soviet Union. Estonians continued to resist the Soviet occupation for years after the Second World War. The Forest Brothers’ Resistance movement opposed the Soviet policy of collectivisation and forced removals of Estonians to make way for Russian immigration. In 1987, the Singing Revolution began and by 1988, the Popular Front of Estonia became the standard-bearer for Estonian independence. The Estonian National Independence Party was the first non-communist party in the Soviet Union. It demanded full restoration of independence. On 16 November 1988, the Estonian Supreme Soviet issued a sovereignty declaration asserting the primacy of Estonian laws over Soviet Union laws. On 23 August 1989, about 2 million Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians participated in a mass demonstration forming the Baltic Way human chain across the three republics demanding restoration of independence. In 1990, the Congress of Estonia was formed as a representative body of Estonian citizens. In March 1991, a Referendum was held, where 77% of voters supported independence. A Moscow coup attempt was exposed and resisted and Estonia declared its restoration of independence 20 August 1990, which is now observed as a national holiday in Estonia. The last units of the Red Army left Estonia in 1994. In 1992, Estonia launched economic reforms for privatisation and free market economy. In 2004, Estonia joined the European Union and NATO. Lithuania Lithuania seceded from the Soviet Union on 16 February 1918, to form the Republic of Lithuania. In 1940, Lithuania was invaded and occupied by the Soviet Red Army. On 11 March 1990, a year before the formal disillusion of the Soviet Union, Lithuania became the first Baltic state to declare itself independent. On 11 March 1990, the Supreme Council announced the restoration of Lithuania’s independence. On 28 March 1990, the USSR imposed an economic blockade on Lithuania. The blockade lasted 74 days, but Lithuania stood firm. When the Soviet Union attempted a coup in Lithuania, storming the Seimas Palace, Lithuanians vigorously defended their Council and inspired other Soviet republics to secede from the Union. Shortly after 11 February 1991, the parliament of Iceland voted to confirm that Iceland’s 1922 recognition of Lithuanian independence was still in effect as it had never formally recognised the Soviet Union’s occupation of Lithuania. Iceland stated that full diplomatic relations should be re-established as soon as possible. On 25 October 1992, the citizens of Lithuania voted in a referendum to adopt their new constitution. On 31 August 1993, the last units of the Soviet Red Army left Lithuanian territory. Since 2004, Lithuania has been a member of NATO and of the European Union. Under Fire in Sudan Since 1995, I have been involved in the campaign for South Sudan’s independence. From 1995 to 2002, I conducted 27 missions to Sudan, delivering over half a million Bibles and books in 24 languages throughout Southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains. During this time, I conducted over 1,200 meetings in Sudan and over 1,000 meetings, radio and TV programmes internationally, to campaign for South Sudan’s independence. This involved writing the book Faith Under Fire in Sudan, the third edition being three times the size of the original 1996 edition. I brought in filmmakers, such as Pat Matriciana of Jeremiah Films, to produce Sudan the Hidden Holocaust and Terrorism and Persecution and also assisted Samaritans Purse with their first films on Sudan and helped establish them in the hospital pioneered by Dr. Fraser in Lui. Independence is Essential for Future Peace and Freedom Initially, even the leaders of the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) were skeptical that the map could ever be redrawn, as the African Union had resisted any changes to the borders delineated in the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885. I argued strenuously with Colonel John Garang, the leader of the SPLA and Commander Silva Kiir, the second in Command of the SPLA, that only independence for South Sudan could secure their future and freedom. Anything else would mean the continuation of oppression by the Arab North, as they would be a minority in their own country. Although Blacks are a majority in South Sudan, they were a minority in the whole country in Sudan. Missionaries had pleaded with Great Britain in 1955 not to include the Black Christians and animists of the South into an Arab ruled Sudan. Suggestions were made to incorporate Equatoria into Kenya or Uganda, but to no avail. Islamisation and Arabisation From the very first day of independence, 1 January 1956, the Arab North sought to Arabise and Islamise the South with brutal oppression, great devastation and loss of life. I showed from Sudan’s history and from the teachings of Islam, why the only way to be free of Shari'a law and Arab oppression was to fight for full independence and sovereignty of South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains. South Sudan is Now an Independent Country Although they were highly skeptical that it was at all possible, today South Sudan is an independent country and Silva Kiir has been its first president since 9 July 2011. The Nuba Mountains of Sudan Today we continue to campaign for freedom and independence for the Nuba Mountains, which is an island of Christianity in a sea of Islam. The courageous Nuban Christians continue to resist the Arabisation and Islamisation policies of the Khartoum government in South Kordofan. Redrawing of the map is absolutely essential to recognise ethnolinguistic, demographic realities and to avoid further loss of life and future conflict. Resist Centralisation – Support De-Centralisation We must not continue to follow in the footsteps of failure. Centralisation and a unitary state is as doomed to failure as the Tower of Babel. We need to emulate examples of excellence such as the decentralised model of Switzerland and the free enterprise model of Singapore. The Legacy of the Berlin Conference The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, also known as the Congo Conference, or West Africa Conference, sought to avoid conflict by regularising European protectorates and colonies in Africa to effectively eradicate the slave trade and to avoid conflict between the European powers. The European powers gathered at the European conference, were also seeking to prevent rising American, Russian and Japanese encroachments on Africa. However, due to lack of information and a very incomplete understanding of the realities of Africa, often borders were drawn along lines of longitude, or latitude, or utilising a river. The fact that tribes and nations lived along both sides of those arbitrary border markings, was doubtless not realised at the time. Maps Need to Be Redrawn However, in my missionary work, it has become clear that the map needs to be redrawn. Half of the Shangaan people live in Mozambique and speak Portuguese and the other half live in South Africa and speak English. Half of the Ovambo people live in Angola where they learned Portuguese and drove on the right hand side of the road, whereas the other half were in South West Africa/Namibia learning Afrikaans or English and driving on the left hand side of the road. Moreover they were in two different time zones, despite being North and South of one another. The Chichewa people are divided between Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique and so one could continue throughout Africa. To Prevent Wars The greatest conflicts in Africa, including the Biafran Civil War in Nigeria, 1967–1970, most of the Congo wars and the long conflict in Sudan, would have all been averted, if the maps had reflected demographic realities and not forced some people to be minorities in their own country, oppressed by other tribes, cultures, or religions. South Sudan’s Independence Gives Hope to Other Secession Movements It is inexcusable that since independence the Organisation of African Unity has steadfastly refused to allow maps to be redrawn. The apparent exception being Eritrea. But Eritrea was a separate entity and only forced to be part of Abyssinia after the Second World War. This led to a longstanding civil war until Eritrea’s independence was re-established in 1991. So, the redrawing of the maps and recognising of independence of South Sudan was a monumentally important precedent.
“…Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 Dr. Peter Hammond Reformation Society P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Email: [email protected] See also: Secessions in the Bible and History A Case for Cape Independence Magna Carta |
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